Cold weather gives you obvious signs your hair needs a lil’ TLC, but what about that hot summer sun??
Our curls can go through a lot when the temperature rises. That's why we’re sharing a few ways to keep your curls fresh and protected in the hot, hot heat. 😎
Catching Rays
You might notice that after spending some time in the sun, parts of your hair look lighter than they did before. Now don’t get us wrong, we’re as big a fan of the sunkissed look as the next girl, but this discoloration is often a sign of sun damage.
You’ve heard for years how harmful UV rays can be for your skin, but you may have never guessed that the same applies to your curls, too. The sun’s rays affect your hair like bleach in that exposure damages the cuticle and removes melanin and color.
This can sometimes make you more prone to split ends, brittle strands and frizz. And as with bleach, those with finer, lighter or already color-treated hair are super susceptible to damage from the sun.
Natural ingredients like shea butter and aloe vera (which are both included in our Deep Condition & Repair Formula) act as natural sun protectants and can help keep damage at bay, but you can also invest in a big, floppy hat to be sure your curls are fully protected!
BONUS TIP: If your hair is low in density, you can use your fingertips to massage a small amount of sunscreen into your scalp. Opt for a lightweight formula – something too heavy/oily might leave you feeling super greasy.

Taking a Dip
Do you actually heed the signs at the pool that tell you to rinse off before jumping in? If not, you should start! When you jump into the pool with dry curls, they immediately absorb chlorinated water, which can stick around even after you wash your hair.
By getting your hair wet first and coating it in oil to seal your cuticle, you can help to minimize the amount of chlorine and chemicals absorbed into your strands. This trick also helps if the beach is more your scene and you’re dealing with salt water.
But for some, going through the trouble of coating their curls in oil before every swim might not be ideal. If that sounds like you, check out this vid with Olympic swimmer and LUS (Love Ur Self) sponsored athlete, Kierra Smith! Her pre- and post- swim routine is suuuppper simple!
BONUS TIP: If you frequently find yourself floating around the pool, you might notice that your curls are dry and harder to style and manage. Clarifying can help to rid your curls of any lingering chlorine and give your hair a fresh start.
Drying Time
For some curly girls, air drying can take hours, but hot weather changes the air drying game because you can let the sun do the work! The hotter it is outside, the faster your curls will air dry. Of course if you're in a rush, a dryer and diffuser are the fastest option. But when you have the time, air drying is the perfect way to give your curls a break from the direct heat of a dryer. Plus, instead of standing around diffusing your hair til it’s dry, there are tons of other things you could be doing while air drying (as long you aren’t messing with your hair while it's wet).

BONUS TIP: To speed up drying time, use a cotton t-shirt or t-shirt towel to 'plop' and squeeze out excess moisture. To learn more about the Plopping Method check out this blog here.
Humidity Horrors
With the heat often comes humidity, a weather report that can leave a curly girl feeling anxious. Why? Extra moisture in the air absorbs into the hair shaft and causes it to swell and separate from other strands, creating frizz.
But the forecast shouldn't get you stressed! Getting into a regular deep conditioning routine will help keep your hair moisturized and healthy, making it less likely to take on excess moisture and frizz up in high humidity.

BONUS TIP: Lightly coating your hair with oil after styling can also help to seal out water molecules, keeping them from penetrating the hair shaft and causing frizz.
Stayin' Fresh
All the amazing outdoor activities you enjoy in the summer can work up a serious sweat. Pair that with swimming, BBQs, campfires, etc. and our curls start to smell like a whole mess of things!
The trouble is that washing your hair too frequently to get odors out can dry out your scalp and your strands. Instead of starting from scratch, try experimenting with a refresh routine. If you’re using your All-in-One formula to style, you can reactivate your curls and freshen up their smell by simply by using a spray bottle of water and a little extra All-in-One. Wanna see how it's done? Check out these videos for refresh tips and tricks on different hair types.
Want an even easier way to mask odors? The LUS (Love Ur Self) Hair Perfume is a light mist that is perfect for in-between wash days. It's made with our signature scent and infused with aloe vera and provitamin B5 for extra moisture!

📸 @gkccouture_ using the LUS (Love Ur Self) Hair Perfume
Keeping it Fun
While love bringing you our summer curl care tips, don't spend too much time fretting about your hair that you miss out on all the fun stuff! Expecting to be frizz-free 24/7 or having perfect curls post-swim is a lot of pressure to put on you and your curls, and at the end of the day, summer is meant to be enjoyed!! Just make sure that when you're slapping on your sunscreen, you're not forgetting to give your curls a little TLC too!